Discount entitlements
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Children and adolescents with proven disability, no longer than their 26th birthday
a) a valid document, the form of which is specified by the Minister of National Education (MEN-I/3-N or MEN-I/4-N or MEN-I/52/2, MEN-I/51/2 or MEN-I/50a-N/2) or the Minister of Culture and National Heritage (ART/101/n or ART/103/n), issued by an educational institution to students with proven disability,
b) a decision of a competent authority, pursuant to the Polish law, of at least partial incapacity for work,
c) a decision of the disability evaluation board or a valid disabled person’s document, issued by a competent authority, proving the disability or the disability degree in the form of a QR code, according to the form specified by the minister competent for social security
A carer of children and adolescents with proven disability (no longer than their 26th birthday) who:
a) travels with the eligible person
b) travels to pick the eligible person up or after they have delivered the eligible person, solely along the route from the place of residence to the educational institution, therapy centre, outpatient clinic or healthcare facility
For section b), a certificate registered with the Public Transport Authority, with the eligible person’s address of residence, address of the educational institution, therapy centre, outpatient clinic or healthcare facility, including the carer’s name and surname, issued by the said institutions on the form specified by the President of the capital city of Warsaw
People entirely incapable of work and independent life, past their 26th birthday
A decision of a competent authority, pursuant to the Polish law, including but not limited to the relevant documents mentioned in § 6 of the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure and Construction of 20 April 2017 on the types of documents proving entitlement to use discounted public transport services (Journal of Laws, item 810)
People with severe disability, past their 26th birthday
A decision of a competent authority, confirming disability, pursuant to the Polish law, or a valid disabled person’s document issued by the competent authority, proving the disability degree in the form of a QR code, according to the form specified by the minister competent for social security
A carer of the person totally incapable of work and independent life or a person with severe disability who:
a) travels with the eligible person
b) travels to pick the eligible person up or after they have delivered the eligible person, solely along the route from the place of residence to the rehabilitation and therapy centre (including e.g. the support centre, therapy and rehabilitation centre, community self-help centre, day activity club, occupational therapy workshops)
For section b), a certificate registered with the Public Transport Authority, with the eligible person’s address of residence, address of the rehabilitation and therapy centre, including the carer’s or guide’s name and surname, issued by the said institutions on the form specified by the President of the capital city of Warsaw
People with the adjudicated absolute incapacity for work due to the eye disease past their 26th birthday
Pursuant to the Polish law, including but not limited to the documents mentioned in § 7 of the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure and Construction of 20 April 2017 on the types of documents proving entitlement to use discounted public transport services
A carer of a person with mental disability, severe or moderate disability degree, or awarded 1st or 2nd disability category who:
a) travels with the eligible person
b) travels to pick the eligible person up or after they have delivered the eligible person, solely along the route from the place of residence to the rehabilitation and therapy centre (including e.g. the support centre, therapy and rehabilitation centre, community self-help centre, day activity club, occupational therapy workshops)
For section b), a certificate registered with the Public Transport Authority, with the eligible person’s address of residence, address of the rehabilitation and therapy centre, including the carer’s or guide’s name and surname, issued by the said institutions on the form specified by the President of the capital city of Warsaw
Persons with mental disability, severe or moderate disability degree, or awarded 1st or 2nd disability category
A decision confirming the disability, issued by the board evaluating the disability degree or a decision issued by the Disability and Employment Board, together with the document proving the disability is caused by mental disability or a valid disabled person’s document, issued by the competent authority, proving the disability degree and the disability cause symbol in the form of a QR code, according to the form specified by the minister competent for social security
A guide of the person with adjudicated moderate disability degree due to eye disease or with adjudicated absolute incapacity for work due to eye disease who
a) travels with the eligible person
b) travels to pick the eligible person up or after they have delivered the eligible person, solely along the route from the place of residence to the rehabilitation and therapy centre (including e.g. the support centre, therapy and rehabilitation centre, community self-help centre, day activity club, occupational therapy workshops)
For section b), a certificate registered with the Public Transport Authority, with the eligible person’s address of residence, address of the rehabilitation and therapy centre, including the carer’s or guide’s name and surname, issued by the said institutions on the form specified by the President of the capital city of Warsaw
People with the adjudicated moderate disability degree due to the eye disease, past their 26th birthday
Decision of a competent authority, confirming disability, or a valid disabled person’s document issued by the competent authority, proving the disability degree and the disability cause symbol in the form of a QR code, according to the form specified by the minister competent for social security
Disabled war and military veterans and a guide accompanying a disabled war or military veteran, classified into 1st disability category
A document of a disabled war (military) veteran, containing an entry proving the person was classified into the relevant disability category or s/he is absolutely or partially incapable of work or s/he is absolutely incapable of work and of independent life, as mentioned in the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of 7 July 2003 on the documents proving the entitlements of disabled war and military veterans, as well as other people to benefit from discounted travels by public transport (Journal of Laws of 2003, no. 134, item 1258), in connection with Article 16 War and Military Disabled Persons and Families Support Act of 29 May 1974 (Journal of Laws 2017, item 2193)
Blind civil victims of war efforts
A document of a blind civil victim of war efforts on the form stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy of 1 February 2007 on the document of a blind civil victim of war efforts (Journal of Laws of 2007, no. 24, item 153) in connection with Article 10 and Article 11 of the Act of 16 November 2006 on the monetary allowance and entitlements of blind civil victims of war efforts (Journal of Laws of 2006, no. 249, item 1824 as amended)
People with moderate disability past their 26th birthday
A decision confirming the disability, issued by the board evaluating the disability degree based on the Polish law, together with an ID card or another document enabling to confirm the eligible person’s identity or a valid disabled person’s document, issued by the competent authority, proving the disability degree in the form of a QR code, according to the form specified by the minister competent for social security
People entirely incapable of work, past their 26th birthday
A decision of a competent authority, issued pursuant to the Polish law, including but not limited to the relevant documents mentioned in § 6 of the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure and Construction of 20 April 2017 on the types of documents proving entitlement to use discounted public transport services
People with the adjudicated moderate disability degree due to voice, speech and hearing disorders, past their 26th birthday
Decision of a competent authority, confirming disability, or a valid disabled person’s document issued by the competent authority, proving the disability degree and the disability cause symbol in the form of a QR code, according to the form specified by the minister competent for social security
Participants of the Warsaw Uprising awarded the Warsaw Uprising Cross
A document proving the cross was awarded, together with an ID card or another document enabling to confirm the identity of the eligible person or a certificate of the entitlements of War Veterans and Victims of Oppression, with an entry confirming the Warsaw Uprising is the period considered eligible for the entitlement
Persons awarded the “Za Warszawę 1939-1945” medal
A document proving the medal was awarded, together with an ID card or another document enabling to confirm the identity of the eligible person
Ordinary members of the Association of Polish People Wronged by Nazi Germany
A document issued by the Association, together with an ID card or another document enabling to confirm the identity of the eligible person
Honorary Citizens of the Capital City of Warsaw
A document of a Honorary Citizen of the Capital City of Warsaw
Persons who acquired the status of an anti-Communist opposition activist or of a person oppressed for political reasons under the Act of 20 March 2015 on the anti-Communist opposition activists and persons oppressed for political reasons (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 690)
A document of an anti-Communist opposition activist or of a person oppressed for political reasons
Persons who worked for political organisations and trade unions, illegal under the regulations in force by April 1989, after 1956
A decision of the Head of the Office For War Veterans and Victims of Oppression based on the Act of 17 December 1998 on old-age and disability pensions paid from the Social Insurance Fund (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1270 as amended)
Persons who did not work before 4 June 1989 due to political oppression
A decision of the Head of the Office for War Veterans and Victims of Oppression based on the Act of 17 December 1998 on old-age and disability pensions paid from the Social Insurance Fund
Honorary blood donors who donated the following free of charge:
— 18 litres of whole blood — for men
— 15 litres of whole blood — for women
or the corresponding amount of other blood components
A document proving the honorary “Distinguished Honorary Blood Donor” badge was awarded or a relevant entry in the document of the Honorary Blood Donor, together with an ID card or another document enabling to confirm the identity of the eligible person
Distinguished graft donors
Document of the “Distinguished Graft Donor”, together with an ID card or another document enabling to confirm the identity of the eligible person
Children from their birth to 30th September in the calendar year when they are 7 or when they start deferred primary education
Children in family children’s homes, foster care, biological children of people having foster families and running family children’s homes, family educational care facilities, socialisation, interventional and specialist therapeutic educational care facilities, residing in the capital city of Warsaw permanently, no longer than 30th September in the calendar year when they are 21, based on personal entitlement to free travels.
Personal entitlement to free travel in the form of a personalised proximity card issued by the Public Transport Authority after a relevant certificate confirming the conditions entitling to discounts have been satisfied is presented, issued by Warsaw Family Support Centre
Wards of Warsaw Educational Centres, Young People’s Sociotherapy Centres and Special Care Educational Centre, residing in the capital city of Warsaw permanently, no longer than 30th September in the calendar year when they are 21, based on personal entitlement to free travels.
A personalised proximity card issued by the Public Transport Authority, after a relevant certificate confirming the conditions entitling to discounts have been satisfied is presented, issued by the head of the Young People’s Educational Centre, Young People’s Sociotherapy Centres or Special Care Educational Centre respectively
Children and adolescents from 1st October in the calendar year they are 7 or when they start deferred primary education until they are 16
A document with a photo, containing the date of birth
Adolescents from the age of 17 to 30th September of the calendar year they are 21
A valid student ID card, issued as specified by the Minister of National Education (MEN-I/1 or MEN-I/2 or MEN-I/50/2, MEN-I/50a/2 or MEN-I/50b/2) or the Minister of Culture and National Heritage (ART/100 or ART/102).
Persons using personal 30- or 90-day tickets, with the validity starting before 30th September in the calendar year when they are 21. The entitlement remains in force till the end of the ticket validity.
Students of primary schools operating in the capital city of Warsaw, as well as students of art schools providing general education in the field of primary school operating in the capital city of Warsaw
Personal entitlement to free travels, encoded on a dedicated proximity card, issued by the Public Transport Authority, or on another medium, approved by the Public Transport Authority after a relevant document conforming the conditions entitling to the discount have been fulfilled is presented
Students of primary schools residing in the capital city of Warsaw, as well as students of art schools providing general education in the field of primary school residing in the capital city of Warsaw
Personal entitlement to free travels, encoded on a dedicated proximity card, issued by the Public Transport Authority, or on another medium, approved by the Public Transport Authority after a relevant document conforming the conditions entitling to the discount have been fulfilled is presented
Learners from families with four and more children, residing in the territory of the capital city of Warsaw, no longer than 30th September in the calendar year when they are 21, based on personal entitlement to free travels. Loss of the entitlement by one child does not deprive the other of entitlements acquired by them.
The proof of entitlement to free travels, in the form of a personalised proximity card, is issued by the Public Transport Authority after relevant evidence conforming the conditions entitling to the discount have been fulfilled is presented. The “family” shall mean a family mentioned in Article 6(14) of the Social Assistance Act of 12 March 2004 (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1508)
Students of foreign schools, no longer than their 26th birthday
ISIC (International Student Identity Card) valid for a given calendar year.
Doctoral students, no longer than their 35th birthday
A valid doctoral student’s document, specified in the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 9 August 2017 on doctoral studies and doctoral scholarships (Journal of Laws, item 1696)
Students of BA/BSc, Eng or MA/MSc courses
A valid student card, in the form specified in the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 27 September 2018 on the university courses in connection with Article 81 and 105 of the Act of 20 July 2018 Higher education and science Law.
Students of collegia for social service workers
A valid collegium student’s card, in the form specified in the Regulation of the Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policy of 15 September 2016 on the collegia for social service workers (Journal of Laws of 2016, item 1543), in connection with Article 30(2) of the Act of 14 December 2016 Education Law (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 996 as amended)
Persons above 70 years of age
An ID card or another document with a photo confirming the date of birth
Old-age and disability pensioners, if immediately before getting retired they were employed in the Public Transport Authority, Miejskie Zakłady Autobusowe Sp. z o.o., Tramwaje Warszawskie Sp. z o.o., Metro Warszawskie Sp. z o.o. and Szybka Kolej Miejska Sp. z o.o.
Old-age and disability pensioners until they are 70, whose entitlements are awarded by the Polish old-age or disability pension authority
A personal document of an old-age/disability pensioner, confirming the status of the old-age or disability pensioner or, if it is missing, a valid old-age/disability pension disbursement confirmation or a bank statement confirming the old-age/disability pension is paid, together with an ID card or another document enabling to confirm the eligible person’s identity. The pension amount does not need to be legible
Persons receiving assistance of the Warsaw social assistance centres, residing or staying in the capital city of Warsaw permanently, who signed social contracts or individual Homelessness Leaving Programmes, as defined in the Social Assistance Act of 12 March 2004
Personal entitlement to free travel.
The proof of entitlement to free travel in the form of a personalised proximity card is issued by the Public Transport Authority after a relevant certificate is presented, confirming the conditions entitling to discounts have been satisfied, issued by a Warsaw social assistance centre, competent for the person’s place of residence or abode
The unemployed registered in the Employment Agency for the capital city of Warsaw, not eligible to receive the unemployment benefit on the day of the scheduled visit to the Agency
A certificate issued by the Employment Agency of the capital city of Warsaw, based on the form specified by the President of the capital city of Warsaw, together with an ID card or another document enabling to confirm the identity of the eligible person
Municipal Policemen wearing uniforms, belonging to the Municipal Policy of the capital city of Warsaw
Policemen on duty
People authorised, pursuant to a personal ID badge, to check if the car park fees are paid in the unguarded metered parking zone (SPPN) in the capital city of Warsaw on duty in SPPN area
Railroad Guards in the trains of Szybka Kolej Miejska Sp. z o.o., wearing uniforms
Military Policemen on duty, wearing uniforms
People authorised, pursuant to a personal ID badge, to inspect tickets in the means of local public transport in the capital city of Warsaw when on duty
Employees and persons commissioned by the organiser and operators of the public transport when on duty
A document recorded on a personalised proximity card issued by the Public Transport Authority
Widows and widowers of late employees of the Public Transport Authority or public transport operators commissioned by the Public Transport Authority who died as a result of an accident at work
A personalised proximity card, issued by the Public Transport Authority, after the evidence that the conditions entitling to the discount have been met is presented
Members of Parliaments and senators
An ID document of an MP or senator in connection with Article 43 section 1 and Article 45 section 1 and 3 of the Act of 9 May 1996 on Exercising the Mandate of Deputy and Senator (Journal of Laws 2018, item 1799)
War veterans or persons whose activity was equivalent to the veterans’ one, and some victims of war and post-war oppression
A document of an oppressed person, containing an entry on the absolute or partial incapacity for work or on the absolute incapacity for work and for independent life, and a certificate issued by the Office for War Veterans and Victims of Oppression, including an entry on the discounts they are eligible for. Act of 24 January 1991 on war veterans and some victims of war and post-war oppression (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 276)
Veterans injured in operations outside the country
A document of an injured veteran in the form specified in the Regulation of the Minister of National Defence of 16 February 2012 on the form of the document of a veteran and injured veteran and on the course of issuing, replacing or returning them (Journal of Laws of 2012, item 229) in connection with Article 30, par. 3 of the Act of 19 August 2011 on the veterans of war efforts abroad (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1569).
Persons born in means of local public transport in the capital city of Warsaw, organised by the Public Transport Authority
A personal card issued by the Public Transport Authority
Passengers on the European Car-Free Day, i.e. 22 September
Participants of the Warsaw Marathon, Warsaw Uprising Run, Independence Run and Warsaw Half Marathon on the competition day. The entitlement to free travels are in force in 1 ticket zone
Starting number