FAQ – Warszawski Transport Publiczny



Where to get help if you leave or find luggage on board of a public transportation vehicle?

Various carriers provide transportation services of municipal public transport in Warsaw. Their vehicles can be distinguished by external and internal signs. These signs include company names and numbers of rolling stock vehicles (four- or three-digit numbers that can be preceded by the letter A). Items found on board of vehicles must be handed over to the vehicle driver or after a telephone arrangement to the appropriate carrier. You should do the same to recover the left (lost) objects. However, if bus identification is not possible and you do not known by which carrier the course was operated, please contact the City Contat Center at number 19 115 or by the webpage warszawa19115.pl.





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  • webpage
  • phone
       22 655-42-42
       (number is available between monday to friday at 7:30-15:00)
RAILVAY (local)




Information and tickets

Where can I buy stops-based timetable and how much do they cost?

You can get them at the Passenger Service Centres. They are printed for free.

Where can I return an unused ticket?

Unused tickets, except for single fare tickets of currently applicable nominal values, may be returned in the Passenger Service Centre at the “Świętokrzyska” metro station.

Details concerning such returns – see Part III Transport Tariff.

Where can I return a damaged ticket which cannot be validated?

Tickets which, due to technical problems, are difficult to validate may be returned in the Passenger Service Centres.

Defective tickets may be also returned at the sale point. The selling person is obliged to accept the complaint, replace the ticket at the ZTM ticket office and return the replaced ticket to the passenger.

Ticket destroyed through the fault of the passengers will not be accepted for replacement.

Where can I get a free-of charge ticket for senior persons aged 70 years or over?

Passengers aged 70 years or over become entitled to travel free, based on their identity card. In order to enable them passing the entrance gates at the metro stations, we provide them with special, free of charge multi-pass tickets.

Passengers may obtain such tickets in all Passenger Service Centres. They can also visit such Centres to extend the validity of already held cards enabling opening the metro entrance gates.

The multi-pass tickets are also issued on every metro station, near the gates.

Where can I re-encode my ticket from a lost personalized Warsaw City Card or from a damaged Warsaw City Card?

To get a new personalized card it is required to appear with a recent photo and an ID card, as it is necessary to verify the personal data. A fee in the amount of PLN 14,00 is charged for issuance of another personalized card.

Where do I get a travel pass to travel by the metro for a person holding a free travel entitlement?

A person holding a free travel entitlement may receive a pass to travel by metro at Passenger Service Centers. It’s a multiple-use pass.

A person holding a WKM card may receive a pass which will be coded on the card  when he/she presents documents entitling to free travel. 

One-time passes are issued at each metro station by a train dispatcher. 

Where are ZTM Passenger Service points located?

Currently, there are 21 Passenger Service Points. All Passenger Service Points are located in Warsaw. Addresses and opening hours of PSPs

Do I have to pay extra for luggage, a stroller or a bike when traveling by public transport?

Passengers do not have to pay extra for luggage, a stroller or a bike.

Up to which age can children travel by public transport free of charge?

Children from birth to 30 September in the calendar year in which they are 7 are entitled to for free rides on public transport.

Where can I return a ticket?

Unused short-term tickets (24h and 3-day) in paper form (the so called cards) can be return at any ZTM Passenger Service Point. Long-term tickets (30 – and 90-day), and unused short-term tickets (24 and 3-day) encoded on an electronic proximity card can be returned in Passenger Service Points located in Warsaw at ul. Grochowska 316/320, at the “Świętokrzyska” metro station (Pavilion 1000 G) and Information point at the Chopin Airport (Terminal A, Pavilion 1-398.5).

More on the terms and conditions of ticket returns


Where can I get an invoice for tickets bought in a ticket vending machine?

The name of the operator is located on each receipt confirming the purchase of a ticket in a ticket vending machine. Invoices for tickets bought in ticket vending machines are issued by their operators: Mennica Polska S.A. /the Mint of Poland/ and ASEC S.A.

In order to receive an invoice, please contact the operators:

  • the Mint of Poland Warsaw City Card Customer Service Centre ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKA metro station apartment 1000E

          open: Monday – Friday 9.00 – 17.00,

  • ASEC S.A. Warsaw City Card Customer Service Centre CENTRUM metro station apartment 2009C

          open: Monday – Friday 9.00 – 17.00.

Where can I lodge a complaint in the case of technical problems when buying a ticket in a ticket vending machine?

Ticket vending machines are operated by operators: Mennica Polska S.A. /the Mint of Poland/, ASEC S.A. and Public Transport Authority of Warsaw /ZTM/. In the case of the following technical problems:

– Difficulties in handling the device, both in purchasing card tickets and topping up the Warsaw City Card,

– Difficulties in giving out a card ticket by a ticket vending machine, difficulties in feeding money to the machine

– the impossibility to get change, please contact the relevant operator (information on the operator is located on each device and on the receipt confirming the purchase of a ticket) or the carrier to whom the vehicle on board which the ticket vending machine is installed belongs.

The application should include detailed information enabling identification of the device such as the number of the ticket vending machine, its location, rolling stock bus number, carrier name, time of ticket purchase. In the case of objections concerning the quality of tickets (faint print, poorly cropped ticket) please submit complaints to Passenger Service Points. In addition please report any inconveniences associated with the functioning of ticket vending machines to the city helpline on 19 115.

Complaints and requests

Where and how can I file a complaint against an employee of the public transport authority?

Complaints against ZTM employees are accepted only in writing in a form of a letter specifying the surname and name (or official name), as well as residence address or permanent residence address of the person (entity) filing the complaint. The complaint may be filed with the Passenger Service Centre, sent by post or e-mail.

Complaints against ticket inspectors related with appeals against imposing an additional charge for travelling without a valid ticket should be filed only in writing

Where and how can I file a complaint against the driver?

Complaints in writing against drivers and other employees of ZTM, Miejske Zakłady Autobusowe (Urban Bus Authority), Tramwaje Warszawskie (Warsaw Trams), as well as of Metro Warszawskie (Warsaw Metro) are accepted in the Passenger Service Centres.

Passengers may also file such an oral complaint by calling the infoline number 19 115.

Requests for payments for travelling without a valid ticket

Where can I pay the amount indicated on requests of payment?

The request for payment may be paid in each ZTM Passenger Service Centre or at the post office. Passengers may also make payments by bank transfer to the ZTM bank account with Bank Handlowy w Warszawie 02 1030 1508 0000 0005 5005 5023, stating the number of request in the transfer title (consequences of erroneous filling in the transfer request are incurred by the passenger).

What are the time limits for paying the amount indicated in the request for payment?

The amount must be paid within 14 days following the day of issuance of the request for payment. If the amount due is not paid within the specified time limits, statutory interest is calculated for each day of delay. After 3 months ZTM may take the matter to court. Information on the current amount for payment may be obtained at the Debt Collection Department.

Do I have any discount on the amount indicated in the request for payment?

Additional fee according to the tariff can be reduced by 40% for payment of the tickets directly at the controller’s on-site inspection or by 30% if you pay within 7 consecutive days from the date of issue of summons. Please note that this amount be added to the shipping charge (the value of single transfer ticket), which is not reduced.

Is it possible to spread the liabilities into installments?

It is possible to spread the liabilities to ZTM into installments, which requires a written application together with the original document (or a photocopy confirmed by the originator of the document) confirming the amount of income earned / received by the passenger, or none. A certificate confirming the financial status of the person may be concerned by a certificate from the employer, the Town or Commune Office, the Tax Office, the Labor Office, the Social Insurance Institution, the Agricultural Social Insurance Fund, etc. This document should be issued with a date falling within the last 3 months prior to the application (not earlier). The application and the original certificate of income (or photocopy confirmed by the original document by the exhibitor) can be sent to the ZTM headquarters at ul. Żelaznej 61 in Warsaw or at any Passenger Service Point. In the case of declaring debt repayment by third parties, the debtor in the application enters the data of the payer, and the payer submits the document confirming the received income (referred to above) to the request.

What to do to be removed from the National Debtors Register?

In order to be removed from the National Debtors Register you have to pay the liabilities. Since the repayment will be made, the debtor is deleted from NDR within 14 days.

Appeals against request for payment and explanations

Where can I file an appeal against the issued request for payment?

Such appeals, only in writing, may be filed at all Passenger Service Centres, or may be sent by post to the following address: ul. Grochowska 316/320, 03-839 Warszawa, or via e-mail at: windykacja@ztm.waw.pl.

The fact of filing of the appeal does not cancel the payment deadline.

Appeals not identifying the name, surname or the address of the filing party are not put under examination.

Where should I present a seasonal personal ticket or other document entitling to discount/free of charge travel valid on the inspection day, which I did not have during the inspection?

A valid seasonal personal ticket or other document entitling to discount/free of charge travel should be presented within 7 days following the date of issuance of the request for payment in Passenger Service Centres at: “Centrum”, “Świętokrzyska” and “Ratusz Arsenał” metro stations.

Being unable to present the document within the prescribed time limit, within 7 consecutive days, you should write to ZTM a request to extend the time limit for presentation of the aforementioned document.

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